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Feminine Energy and the Power of Yin

Sun, 22 Oct


online workshop

Learn the power of yin and feminine energy in this online workshop. Learn how to soften but remain powerful, how to become more open and receive and boost your vital energy.

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Feminine Energy and the Power of Yin
Feminine Energy and the Power of Yin

Time & Location

22 Oct 2023, 10:00 – 13:00

online workshop


About the Event

We live in a masculine world and are often unconciously operating from our masculine energy which leaves us feeling tired and out of balance.  We loose our joy, energy, sensuality and our relationships become difficult, we can feel in battle with the world rather than in flow.

In this online workshop we will take time to explore the difference between masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energy. Where we are operating from day to day and how we can learn to move between the two to benefit our lives.

We will explore our feminine communication, learn the power of relaxing and flowing back into yin and opening into the possibilities of a life in surrender and receiving to all that is.

Learn how to get your needs met in a healthy and concious way - we try to get most things done by manipulation and force, and often exhaust ourselves in the process... learn there is another way

By continuously doing (yang) as opposed to being (yin) we create burn out in our energetic and physical bodies.

So do you want/need?

☯️ More flow

☯️ More relaxation

☯️ Softness

☯️ To work less hard

☯️ To receive help rather than deny

☯️ To receive in all areas of your life

☯️ To enhance your relationships

☯️ To feel more in your body

☯️ To become more sensual and sexy

☯️ To feel your wild woman awaken

☯️ To empower yourself and others

☯️ To feel and see more beauty in the world

Join Sam and take a deep dive into feminine energy and its beautiful power in a healthy and grounded way so that you can start a life of love and flow in your truest essence 💕


  • Feminine Energy and Yin

    +£0.75 service fee
    Sale ended



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